Florida Investigative Searches

Indigent Defense Investigations

​​​​T​. Pullara & Associates, LLC

"The focus of every investigation we conduct is to provide the most relevant and legally significant results for our clients".

We specialize in comprehensive and confidential investigative support for the general public and the legal profession.  Our investigators will locate people, companies and assets for service of process in connection with actual or prospective litigation, asset recovery and collections.

Certified background checks and threat assessments can be conducted for a wide variety of lawful purposes.  Our investigators will search, uncover and scrutinize all information needed to fulfill our client's needs.  We provide discreet and professional results.

Criminal, civil and general investigations are structured on an individual case basis.  The focus of every investigation we conduct is to provide the most relevant and legally significant results for our clients.  A professional consultation with one of our licensed investigators will help you determine the type of action needed.  All consultations and investigations are confidential.

Years of law enforcement experience and specialized training are reflected in the quality of every investigation.

  • Accurate Intelligence
  • Actionable Results